
Tel: 0117 401 4633

Detailed, fuss-free inventory reports to give you all the information you need

  1. Energy Performance Certificates

  2. EPC Certificate
  3. Legionella Assesment

  4. Legionella Assessment report
  5. Furnished

    1 Bedroom

  6. Inventory
    Inventory with simultaneous Check in
    Check Out
  7. 2 Bedroom

  8. Inventory
    Inventory with simultaneous Check in
    Check Out
  9. 3 Bedroom

  10. Inventory
    Inventory with simultaneous Check in
    Check Out
  11. 4 Bedroom

  12. Inventory
    Inventory with simultaneous Check in
    Check Out
  13. 5 Bedroom +

  14. Inventory
    Inventory with simultaneous Check in
    Check Out

A levy £2 will be added to any job undertaken in a RPZ or where parking charges are incurred to park in the vicinity of the property. £5 excessive furnishing charge for fully furnished properties that include ornaments, rugs, framed pictures, kitchen utensils etc.